Thursday, October 14, 2010


Disney World unions vote against proposed new contract; current deal set to expire Saturday

"The contract was rejected," said Harris Raynor, president of Walt Disney World's Service Trades Council, late Thursday.

Unionized workers at Walt Disney World voted against a proposed labor contract Thursday, despite the largest of the resort's unions coming out in support of the contract before the vote.

"The contract was rejected," Harris Raynor, president of Walt Disney World's Service Trades Council, said late Thursday.

The current contract will continue through Saturday at midnight, a Disney spokeswoman said.
The largest labor group at Walt Disney World, the Service Trades Council, represents approximately 20,000 full-time workers at the resort. The council is made up of six unions that negotiate together.

It was unclear late Thursday whether the exact voting tallies would be released by all the unions.

In a statement, Disney repeated its claim that the proposed contract included competitive wage increases for workers.

"During any labor negotiations, it's important for those involved to bring reasonable and realistic expectations to the table," said Steve Eisenhardt, vice president of labor relations for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts, in a statement. "We continue to stand by our offer of competitive wage increases and affordable health care."

Eric Clinton, president of Unite Here! Local 362 and a vocal critic of the contract, said about 86 percent of his union's voting members were opposed to the contract.

"I'm incredibly happy that our members got to speak and sent the message to Disney that we can do better," he said.

The proposed contract would have guaranteed a one-time $550 bonus plus three 3 percent raises during the course of the 42-month contract for full-time workers not already at the top of their pay scale.

However, some union members were unhappy that workers in select job categories would receive bigger bumps — between 3.25 percent and 4 percent a year.

While Disney said the higher raises should go to the workers in more specialized professions, critics said the proposal was unfair because those with less-specialized job classifications already earn less money.

Asked what the Service Trades Council's next move would be, Raynor said member unions would look to the next round of negotiations.

"The affiliates of the council will be meeting and deciding how to respond," he said.
Raynor is also an elected representative of Workers United, SEIU Local 737, the largest of the Service Trades Council unions and one of the two that endorsed the contract. Workers United had been joined in its support with the smallest of the six unions, the International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees Local 631.

Three of the other unions, Unite Here! Local 362, Teamsters Local 385 and United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1625, had announced opposition to the contract's ratification. The sixth, the Transportation Communications International Union Local 1908 remained neutral as the vote approached.

Ed Chambers, president of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1625, said Thursday night he was happy with the result of the vote, but bothered by what he saw as interference from Disney management leading up to it.

Before the Thursday vote, union opponents of the contract distributed fliers urging workers to vote no, under the slogan "Send Disney a message: We're worth more."

Meanwhile, Disney countered with posters featuring the message: "A vote to ratify = more money" — a reminder that Disney was offering each full-time worker a $100 bonus if the contract was approved on the first vote.

Chambers said he considered the posters an unwelcome and unusual intrusion into a purely union vote. He said his union voted 690 to 48 against the contract.

Reached late Thursday, Disney spokeswoman Andrea Finger said it was "still too early" to say what the theme park giant's next move would be in negotiations.

However, Clinton said the union members "have spoken."

"Disney now needs to listen," he said. "They need to come back to the bargaining table with something better."

Jason Garcia of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Jeff Weiner can be reached at 407-420-5171 or