Friday, October 1, 2010

Time is running out...

Union leaders and Disney management continue to negotiate the wages and working conditions for the nearly 30,000 service workers who work hard to make the Disney Corporation successful.

The Union’s Bargaining Committee remains committed to reaching the goals of the members.

- REAL wage increases every year of the contract for every worker
- Maintain affordable and quality health insurance
- A guaranteed retirement plan for every worker

Local 362 will not accept an agreement where any worker makes less money in any year of the contract than they did the year before. It is critical that all wage increases outpace any increase in health insurance costs.

Our contract with Disney expires at midnight on Saturday, October 2, 2010.

A bargaining session will take place on Friday, October 1, 2010 at the Buena Vista Palace in the “Islander” conference room near the pool. The session will start at 1030am and go throughout the day.