Sunday, October 10, 2010

In the mail...

This came in the mail...

October 7, 2010

Sisters and Brothers,

Since the middle of June, the Local 362 Bargaining Committee has been meeting with Disney management to discuss your wages and working conditions. While at times the bargaining was incredibly difficult, this round of negotiations has produced many improvements for you and your co-workers. At the same time our Committee won these improvements, we also stopped the Company from taking anything away.

These improvements and defense of our current agreement came through one thing: Member participation. This started with thousands of members collecting surveys to decide the Bargaining Committee’s demands back in the spring of this year. It then continued with nearly one hundred workers delegating upper management around our contract demands and hundreds of workers putting scheduling concerns in writing. During Bargaining, over three hundred workers have attended to show support of the Union.

Then we started to talk money. Unfortunately, the final economic offer is not one that I can recommend to you. I believe that your hard work has kept Disney profitable and will continue to make this company a success. With that, I believe they should pay a fair wage and offer affordable health care. Their current offer has an overwhelming majority of our members making less money at the end of the proposed contract than they do today.

I believe that we can accomplish more on wages and health care, but only with your involvement. We will be voting on the current offer from the Company on Thursday, October 14, 2010 from 7am-7pm at the Contemporary Resort. It is critical that every member VOTE NO on the current offer and send the Company negotiators back to the bargaining table.

In Solidarity,

Eric Clinton