Friday, February 25, 2011

Contract Approved by STCU - Rejected by Local 362 and UFCW,0,4929098.story

Disney workers vote to approve new union contract
By Jeff Weiner and Jason Garcia, Orlando Sentinel
10:15 p.m. EST, February 25, 2011

Members of Walt Disney World's largest union group today voted by a large majority to approve a new labor contract, after months of at-times cantankerous negotiations.

However, leadership of two of the six unions that make up the Services Trades Council decried the vote — a sign that, while the negotiations are over, at least some of the discontent may remain.

Harris Raynor, president of the Services Trades Council, confirmed that the vote passed 4,987-2,099, in what he called "a victory for the workers who are represented by the unions."

The vote was the second for members of the Service Trades Council, a coalition of six unions that together represent roughly 20,800 full-time Disney employees.

Unite Here! Local 362 president Eric Clinton and United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1625 president Ed Chambers also confirmed the results.

"We are pleased with the outcome of the vote today," Steve Eisenhardt, vice president of labor relations for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, said in a statement. "Both the voter turnout and the support of the new contract were tremendous."

The contract is similar to one rejected in October by 3,880-3,350 vote. It calls for $650 in combined bonuses for all full-time, non-tipped employees and, for workers not already at the top of their pay scales, annual raises of between 3 percent and 4 percent over the next three years.

The most significant difference in the new contract: Full-time, non-tipped workers earning $8.50 an hour or less would get an extra $100 bonus.

The leadership of four of the six unions that comprise the Services Trades Council have endorsed the contract offer. But two — Unite Here! Local 362 and United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1625 — have urged workers to vote against it, arguing that the raises are not equitably distributed among job classifications and they are not large enough to offset rising health-insurance premiums for employees with family coverage.

Chambers, whose union voted about 82 percent to oppose the proposal, said that he was disappointed in the results of the vote.

"Disney was able to divide and conquer the unions," Chambers said. He and Clinton, who also opposed the proposal, accused the other unions of using the possibility of a strike to intimidate workers into voting in favor of the new contract.

"People forgot from the other unions that Disney is the one we should be taking on, not each other," Clinton said.

Raynor, however, pointed to the turnout and size of the majority as evidence that the union's membership had spoken.

"We feel very strongly that this was an extremely democratic vote," Raynor said. or 407-420-5171. jrgarcia@tribune or 407-420-5414