Friday, September 10, 2010

Contract Update - 9/10/10

Contract Negotiations have been underway since the middle of June. Disney has met with each Union in Side Letter meetings to discuss job specific issues. Local 362 and Disney continue to have proposals on the table related to Attractions and Custodial. Main Table meetings to discuss non-economic issues have occurred over the last two weeks.

Non-economic improvements affecting all Disney Service Workers:

- Strengthening Union Representation rights with improved language around Union Rep access, bulletin boards, translation, pay for suspension related to an HR/Compliance investigation and adding a mediation step to the grievance procedure.
- Improved work rules including uninterrupted breaks and lunches, 180 days to submit expired work authorization documents and maintaining the current Call Sick Free system.
- Improving pay practices by adding Jury Duty as time worked for computation of overtime, maintaining the current application of holidays and securing weekly payroll on Thursdays.

The Union has also been able to secure language maintaining the current contract language around scheduling, subcontracting and letters of understanding. The remaining non-economic items on the table are:

- Scope of the agreement (areas covered)
- Coordinators selection, pay and removal
- The right to wear Union pins
- Safety at work language
- Transfers procedures
- Random drug testing

Main Table bargaining will continue over the next 3 weeks to address these open items and the economic package from the Company. The bargaining committee is committed to:

► Increasing every worker’s wage (NO BONUSES!)
► Maintain quality health insurance while improving affordability
► Improving every worker’s Pension

Main Table Negotiations
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
(There is no bargaining on Tuesday or Thursday)
10am to 6pm
At the Buena Vista Palace Hotel
Scotland “C” in the Convention Center

Local 362 Side Letter Negotiations
Friday, September 17, 2010
Starting at 10:30am and continuing all day
(Come and stay for as long as you can)
At the DC-2 building in the “World of Disney” (formerly the “Town Hall”) Conference room located at 1800 Live Oak Lane