Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More bang for your buck!

The 2010 opening set of “Side Letter” negotiations for Local 362 concluded with Attractions workers July 28-30. This round of negotiations was the most difficult so far. Disney has failed to address any of the core issues facing Attractions Cast Members. The Bargaining Committee left determined to organize their co-workers to stand-up for a fair contract.

The improvements achieved were:

- New Labor-Management Committee
- Pilot program to allow submitting Preference Sheets in between schedule bids
- Seniority applying for workers who transfer
- Representation rights

The Attraction Bargaining Committee is determined to push hard for their current demands to address scheduling and add a premium for workers who work in “Red-Triangle” Attractions. The Company has proposals on the table to include “Release of Shifts” in the attendance matrix, random drug testing and the elimination of the pension plan for new hires.

An all day Local 362 bargaining session is scheduled for Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at the DC-2 building located at 1800 Live Oak Lane starting at 9am. Issues remain open for Custodial, Vacation Planning, Ticketing and Attractions.