Thursday, July 15, 2010

We're worth more...

This week in Custodial negotiations, over 125 workers attended to show Disney that the workers are the Union. Progress was made on improving language around driver’s licenses, accident standards, transfer procedures and worker representation rights. The bargaining Committee was able to hold onto third shift line bids and will continue to seek the same scheduling method for day shift Custodial. The Company is looking for stricter standards for employees without compensation - a longer probationary period for Custodial and Release of Shifts (ROS) to count towards the attendance matrix. At the end of the session, both parties have significant issues they are holding on to and no tentative agreement was reached. Local 362 expects that a follow-up session will be scheduled in August for Custodial, Vacation Planning and Tickets.

The next round of negotiations for Local 362 is Attractions. These bargaining sessions are scheduled for:

Wednesday, July 28
Thursday, July 29
Friday, July 30

Each session is scheduled to start at 10am and run through 6pm at the SunTrust building, second floor. ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND!