Saturday, May 21, 2011

Contract Vote results

The CR contract has been approved by a 96% margin. The new agreement goes into affect immediately.

Please contact your Union Rep or Shop Steward for more information.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

CR Contract Vote

DATE: Friday, May 20, 2011
TIME: 7 AM – 7 PM
PLACE: Contemporary Resort, Convention Center, Fantasia J-Q

• All six STCU affiliates will be voting at the same location.

This contract continues to provide improvements at work for CRs. Some of the contract improvements are:
- Bonus payment ranging from $50 - $275 based on hours worked from October 3, 2010 through April 3, 2011 (MUST have been a CR as of 10/3/10)

- Holiday premium pay for working on Labor Day and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday (After two (2) years of service). CRs now have 7 holidays like the FT workers.

- Improved rights on the job won in the Full Time contract and Local 362 Side Letter apply to CRs (overtime, scheduling, Attractions, Custodial and Vacation Planner policies and premiums, grievance procedure, etc.)

Complete details on the contract proposal will be presented at the ratification.