Friday, April 22, 2011

Agreement reached on CR Contract

The Service Trades Council Union and Disney Management have reached a tentative agreement on a new contract covering the almost 10,000 CR Cast Members at Walt Disney World. The parties met from April 19-21, 2011, to negotiate the new agreement. In addition to the wage increases that all CR workers received on April 3, 2011 as a result of the Full-Time negotiations, additional improvements in work rules and other economics were achieved. The entire STCU Bargaining Committee is recommending a “Yes” vote on the offer. Below is a summary:


• Agreed to all “Clean-Up” and “Pass-Through” language as a result of the FT contract (i.e. Jury Duty service being used for computation of Overtime, right to wear Union pins backstage, Language assistance during investigations, Coordinators, etc.).

• New language in a Letter of Understanding regarding priority for scheduling CR employees before CT or other non-bargaining unit employees (excluding CPs).

• New language in a Letter of Understanding preventing forced expansion of availability for CR employees with only 2 days of availability.

• Incorporating the Trainer language into the contract.

• Protected existing language on transfers and utilization.

• Lump Sum increase

          For non-tipped CR employees who were statused as of 10/2/10 and are still employed:

           Bonus of 2% on actual hours worked from 10/2/10 through 4/2/11 with a minimum of $50 and a maximum of $275.

           $50 lump sum bonus for CR tipped employees who were statused as of 10/2/10 and are still employed.

• Holiday premium for hours worked

          Add additional holidays for CR employees with at least 2 years of continuous service, who work on the following holidays will be paid at the time and one-half (1 ½) for all hours worked:

           Martin Luther King Jr. (effective January 2012)

           Labor Day

• Protected the Pension Plan

A vote of the STCU CR membership will be held in the near future. Details will be posted in your work area and at our website once available. The STCU is recommending a “YES” vote on the offer.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

CR Bargaining Update

Negotiations for the Casual-Regular contract between Walt Disney World and the Service Trades Council have been scheduled for:

Tuesday, April 19
Wednesday, April 20
Thursday, April 21

Bargaining sessions are scheduled to begin each day at 10am and go until 5pm at the Textile Services building near the service entrance of the Port Orleans Resort. Check the bargaining hot line, (407) 851-0626, extension 29, for updates. All members are welcome to attend.